Based on the results from
It's All Over – Michael Graham
Assuming there is no shocking revelation or health issue, the GOP nomination is over. Conservatives need to start practicing the phrase "Nominee presumptive John McCa....."
Sorry, I can't say it. Not yet.
But it's true. When the campaign comes here to
He's going to win the big, left-leaning states on Tuesday. Huckabee will stay in and deny Romney a one-on-one contest for GOP voters that Captain Amnesty would almost certainly lose. The result: More wins for He Who Must Not Be Named, and fewer wins for Romney—regardless of delegate count.
So it is over. Finished. In November, we'll be sending out our most liberal, least trustworthy candidate vs. to take on Hillary Clinton—perhaps not more liberal than Barack Obama, but certainly far less trustworthy.
And the worst part for the Right is that McCain will have won the nomination while ignoring, insulting and, as of this weekend, shamelessly lying about conservatives and conservatism.
You think he supported amnesty six months ago? You think he was squishy on tax cuts and judicial nominees before? Wait until he has the power to anger every conservative in
Every day, he dreams of a world filled with happy Democrats and insulted Republicans. And he is, thanks to
And on that note, I'm off to climb into a bottle of Bushmill's. It's going to be a LONG nine months.
Good to see you are still blogging...
It seems we generally agree on our politics. Overall, Romney is by far the best choice for a true conservative (well, I actually preferred Duncan Hunter, but that has always been a lost cause). All of the Democratic candidates have three main planks in their platform - welfare state, amnesty, and surrender. Why must the Republicans choose someone who shares even one of them? Granted, I think he has a better chance of winning the general election than Romney, but I still don't like him.
Any chance we can convince Huckabee to drop out between now and Tuesday?
Good to see you around. I'm on every now and then... I've been active for a few months now, but I took a long hiatus.
I was a Duncan Hunter fan as well but you're right, it was always a lost cause. As for Romney's electability, I would much rather put forth a candidate who represents conservative values and let him stand or fall on his own merit than put forward a "Republican" who will accomplish the liberal agenda for them. For one thing, when it all falls apart due to their disasterous policies, why should they be able to blame it on Conservatives? It took four years of Carter to bring Reagan... But more than that, I always thought Conservatives stood for real values, not just winning elections.
This is not aimed at you, but at those who argue McCain is the most electable (Which I'm not sure is completely true, by the way).
As for Huckabee, it's apparently going to take him a little longer to convince McCain to make him VP...
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