Monday, December 17, 2007

The Real Global Warming Agenda

I have previously poked fun at the Global Warming agenda here, here and here.  Unfortunately, it’s quickly becoming clear this is no laughing matter.  The people that are pushing the global warming issue are deadly serious and they’re after one thing.  Reduced carbon emissions, right?  Saving the earth?  Averting global disaster?  How about redistributing wealth?  How about taking the first step to making the UN a viable organization with taxing and global governance abilities? 


Emma Brindal, a “Climate Justice Campaign Coordinator” with Friends of the Earth, had this to say about one of the meetings at the recent conference in Bali: “Another point was that as this current economic system got us here in the first place, a climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources.”  “This economic system” of course referring to a free-market, capitalist economic system.  Redistribution of wealth and resources; that sounds great, where do I sign up?  Even Al Gore agrees carbon taxes and trading is the way to go.  Such a scheme by its nature is a redistribution of wealth from the developed nations to the undeveloped nations.  Rural Kenya doesn’t have near as many power plants as New York City, so guess where we’re going to be buying carbon credits from?  In 2000, French President Jacques Chirac called the Kyoto Protocol, “the first component of an authentic global governance.”  Once the UN exerts their authority to tax and redistribute wealth over climate change and execute “environmental justice” what stops then in another arena? 


Senator Tim Wirth, from Colorado, had this to say about Global Warming: "We're got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing — in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."  So is it about the truth or is it about “doing the right thing”?  Do you believe, like Mr. Wirth and countless others on his side, that this is a chance to right past wrongs brought about by capitalism or is this a chance to study the issue honestly and fairly?  And while we laugh at the idiots flying to their Climate Change Conferences in their private jets while they rail on me for driving to work, and while we get annoyed with their endless propaganda and just change the channel, let’s remember they, at least, are serious about this and unless we stand up to them, they’ll get what they’re after.  And it sure seems to be a lot more than controlling climate change…


And before you buy the line about “scientific consensus”, consider this letter written by over 100 scientists questioning the view that global warming is manmade and the efficacy of the UN’s efforts to fight it.  “Attempts to prevent global climate change from occurring are ultimately futile, and constitute a tragic misallocation of resources that would be better spent on humanity's real and pressing problems.”

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