Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Romney for me Please

I think I’ve finally made a decision. For a while now, I’ve been undecided on the Republican Primary. Part of me wants to vote for Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter because I believe their ideas to be most in line with mine. Unfortunately, they’re unelectable. I’m also not sure they’re the best men for the job because I don’t think they are effective enough to get their message across. I like some of Huckabee’s agenda, but that gets less and less with every liberal social program, each folksy witticism (“weapons of mass instruction”, “I can’t part the Red Sea, but I can part the red tape”) and his brand of “compassionate conservatism”. Fred Thompson’s starting to come around, but for me, it’s too little too late.

What I’m looking for in a Presidential candidate is a “Complete Conservative”. By Complete Conservative, I mean both fiscally and socially conservative. A Conservative should stand for three main things: Fiscal Conservatism; Strong National Defense and Social Conservatism. Fiscal conservatism consists of limited government, low taxes and eliminating wasteful spending. Strong national defense requires a strong military and secure borders. Social conservatism is morals, supporting families and taking a stand for a culture of life, in all phases. Giuliani is a fiscal conservative and strong on national defense, but he is certainly no social conservative, being pro-choice. Huckabee is a social conservative, but on national defense and fiscal issues he’s a nightmare. Both of them have issues with border security. Both of these candidates have a real chance of tearing apart the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement due to their weakness on one end or the other. In my mind, Romney is one of only two viable Complete Conservatives; the other is Fred Thompson.

Fred Thompson was a wasted opportunity in this campaign. Fred has the established conservative credentials that the other main candidates lacked early on. It’s taken a while for me to be fully of convinced about Romney. Fred didn’t have to worry about; he walked in #1 for a lot of Conservatives. His policy proposals have been detailed, well founded and good. However he hasn’t demonstrated himself to be effective connecting with people. His performances in the debates have been mixed. His campaign has seemed lackluster and somewhat half-hearted. He seems to be coming into his stride now, but Iowa’s less than a month away and he languishes in third.

Romney is the only legitimate candidate who has shown himself to be an effective communicator, a consistent Conservative, strong on defense and who has strong leadership experience. His business executive background and mentality will serve him well as he works to control spending and government waste. His faith and values (I know he’s an evil Mormon, but still) lead him to promote a culture of life and support a federal Marriage Amendment. Governor Romney is a strong opponent of Judicial Activism and will appoint strict constructionists; not judges that will make policy or further curtail Constitutional rights like the 2nd Amendment or the Kelo case. Mitt is also against amnesty for illegal immigrants and believes in enforcing our immigration laws and punishing “Sanctuary Cities” and employers who hire illegal immigrants. Governor Romney truly does have a “Strategy for a Stronger America” and he has the vision to lead and the ability to communicate and inspire others with that same vision. For that reason, I support Governor Mitt Romney for President of the United States. For more information on Mitt’s vision for America, go to his website at

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