Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Fred Thompson

Now it's time to take a look at Fred Thompson. Fred is a bit of a late comer to the race, but if there's one person who has the name recognition to overcome the late arrival, it's probably Fred. Apparently everyone in the world watches Law and Order and has seen Fred on there, but I had no idea he was on that show; possibly because I've never watched it... That being said, I haven't really heard anything from him since he announced his candidacy. Looking at the issues, Fred Thompson should be my candidate. I think I agree with him on just about all of the issues spelled out on his website. And he may well be my candidate before it's over. But the rumor I've heard is that he's lazy, and what we've seen out of the campaign so far seems to bear that out... I watched an interview the other day on FoxNews.com (of course I can't find it now) and he just seemed rather disinterested and lackadaisical. Side note: He also had his kids in his lap, which was pretty odd. You have a 4 year old and a 1 year old sitting in the lap of two adults conducting a serious interview... Just strange. I'm not a big fan of the "kid as political prop". Aside from his personal demeanor, there has just been nothing out of the campaign. There was all the build up of will he run, etc. and now he's virtually invisible. He needs to be a little more agressive to attract supporters.

With Fred, I think you have a social conservative with strong moral values, a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, a fiscal conservative with proven credentials at cutting government spending and presumably a good communicator, if he just will communicate... The debate tonight will be important. I think he really needs to come out and show some fire tonight. I really think he's a candidate that a lot of people could get behind, but he's just not inspiring at all right now...

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