Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Dream Administration

President: Mitt Romney

Pretty obvious.  If you want to know why, see here.


Vice-President: Fred Thompson

OK, confession time.  You could swap these and I wouldn’t be upset; both good guys.  I think Thompson provides Romney something he badly needs; credentials in the South (and vice-versa).  I get the feeling that a lot of people in the South are afraid of a northeastern Republican and I think Thompson could provide some serious credibility with Conservatives in the South.


Secretary of Defense: Duncan Hunter

His experience in the military and in Congress would serve him well as Secretary of Defense.  There is no doubt in my mind, with Duncan Hunter, we would have a military prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.


Secretary of State: John Bolton

One big reason?  Sticking it to the Democrats.  Don’t want him to go to the UN?  Fine.  We’ll send him directly to Iran…  While ordinarily I’m not in favor of negotiating with Iran, I’m fine if Bolton wants to go.  Seriously, John Bolton is just the man for this job.  Or we can keep Condi if she wants to stay; I have no problem with her either.


Secretary of Homeland Security: Tom Tancredo

This man will seal the borders.  The fact that he looks like a detective from some 70’s cop show is just a bonus.


National Security Advisor:  Rudy Giuliani

I may have qualms with Rudy as President, but I have no qualms with Rudy as NSA


Attorney General: Ted Poe

This former judge and founder of the Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus is a principled man of integrity who would bring a no-nonsense approach to AG.


Bonus Appointments:


Secretary of Agriculture: Charles Bronson

Gotcha…  While he looks nothing like (and considerably softer than) the tough guy actor Charles Bronson, it’d be great to have a tough sounding Commissioner of Agriculture.  Not sure why, but somewhere down the line it’ll come in handy…  It’s always reassuring to see Mr. Bronson’s name on the gas pumps here in Florida.  I know if I ever have a problem with a bad pump, I can call on him and he’ll come beat the crap out of the offenders.


Press Secretary:  Rush Limbaugh

Because watching the press have to deal with Limbaugh every day would instantly make White House Press Conferences prime-time viewing.


Secretary of Down-Home Folkisms:  Mike Huckabee

I’m as big a fan of politicians who can relate to me as the next guy, but Huckabee takes it to a Clintonesque-level (Bill, not Hillary.  Tears aren’t effective for me).  He seems to have cut back on this lately (or maybe I’ve become oblivious to them) but back when the “Huckaboom” started they seemed to come two or three to a point.


Ambassador to New Hampshire:  John McCain

McCain seems to have a special relationship with the people of New Hampshire so we’ll give him this (admittedly ceremonial) post.  And who knows, it can’t hurt his run in 2012 or 2016…



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